Fostering Industry Progress: InvestiNet at RMAI 2024

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As we pack our bags for Las Vegas, the buzz within the InvestiNet team is palpable. We’re not just attending the RMAi 2024 Annual Conference, we’re embarking on a journey to be part of the pivotal conversations that will shape the future of receivables management.

With us, Brice Smith, Howard BarnardBethany CaytonCharlie WheelerMichelle Edelbach, and Sam Ross carry the spirit of innovation that fuels our work at InvestiNet. We are eager to dive into the collective pool of knowledge, share our own experiences, and spark dialogues that challenge the status quo.

We are excited to learn from the best, understand new trends, and bring back a treasure trove of insights that will not just elevate our service offerings, but also strengthen our industry’s foundation. Stay tuned as we take you with us on this exhilarating ride at RMAi 2024.

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